Our Investment Hītori
Tells the story of who we are
Our hitori is the ultimate expression of who we are
It creates the foundation from which we endure and places Rata in a wider context, linking to the people, places, and history of the past, through our funding communities - Canterbury (Waitaha) Nelson, Tasman, Marlborough (Te Tauihu o Te Waka o Maui) and the Chatham Islands (Rekohu/Wharekauri).
It is our investment hītori that has helped us understand the best way forward to shape our ongoing investment objectives.
Our Investment Approach
Our Partners
Our People

Trustees agreed new allocations of 18% income assets, 82% growth assets, with a new focus on direct investments.

Trustees put in place a new deed that added the consideration of Te Tiriti in our investment decision-making. A key influence on our investment philosophy has been to look to successful Māori and other indigenous.

Trustees agreed to rebalance the portfolio 70-80% growth assets (equities, unlisted property and infrastructure, private debt) and 20-30% income assets (cash, fixed interest, private debt).

Rātā worked to develop an enhanced investment framework that offers financial returns that better align with our social purpose.

More than 50% of the portfolio was still cash or NZ fixed interest.

Responding to stock market downturns, international equities were transferred to cash.

In 1997 our portfolio was lower risk
- 35% cash
- 35% fixed interests (Bonds)
- 30% equities

Trust Bank shares sold and diversified investment portfolio established.

Fund created from the deregulation of Trust Bank Canterbury. Shares held on behalf of its funding community in Canterbury, Nelson, Marlborough and the Chatham Islands.