
Chris Ford

Chris is the General Counsel of Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu Group

He has been in that role for over 13 years. Chris started his legal career at a Christchurch law firm practicing in commercial and property law.  He has worked in Dublin and London, including a 7-year stint as General Counsel of an international company with London headquarters. 

What motivated you to be involved with the Rātā Foundation Board?

Rātā’s kaupapa is the key thing that interested me in joining the Rātā board.  Providing opportunity and support to groups who contribute to the community and society is a core role for Rātā - for me being part of that is a great opportunity.  

What are you most passionate about supporting in the community?

Social justice and supporting those in need, who otherwise may miss out, are the things that I am most passionate about supporting.

What, to you, is one of Rātā Foundations’ greatest achievements and or projects?

In my view, a great achievement for Rātā Foundation has been the creation of a substantial and sustainable funding stream that will continue to support community groups over many generations.

Chris Mihi

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