
Glenn Livingstone

Glenn is a Presbyterian Minister, as well as a former long-standing Christchurch City Councillor, representing Christchurch for 9 years during the best and worst of times. Post-quake, Glenn promoted the concept of an independent Earthquake Tribunal through the City Council, which has since been established by the government.

Glenn is a member of the NZ Institute of Directors and has experience on both commercial and philanthropic boards.

What motivated you to be involved with the Rātā Foundation Board?

My entire working life has been spent serving the community. I enjoy being with people and being a part of community development. As a Trustee with Rata, I will be able to continue in this work and am very excited to be in a position to do this.

What are you most passionate about supporting in the community?

My representative experience during the Canterbury earthquakes took me along a path of advocacy and equitability. Going forward, I would like to be a part of Rata’s work in strengthening the various parts of our community.

In doing this, I would like to support development of partnership as envisaged in Te Tiriti O Waitangi, this mutuality underpinning our Pasifika and wider multicultural relationships also.

What, to you, is one of Rātā Foundations’ greatest achievements and or projects?

In my view, the establishment of Christchurch Community House, in partnership with the Christchurch City Council, is one of Rata’s greatest achievements.

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Glen Mihi

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